One morning, I found myself in the batter's box. Anxious, yet having the time in my hands. Bored but excited at the chance of putting my foot at the base. Ready to unleash, yet coiled... then ....uncoiled - from within.
It is what I call a job hunter's dilemma. One has been put in the batter's box to hit the ball, not knowing where it will land. You have a strategy, yes. But the crowd, the coach are screaming.
You can hit a foul ball. You can hit a homer.
Losing a job means a lot of things. You fumbled. You missed the base. You were the star of the team and the others resented it. You had your own strategy. You were working hard to win and the owner simply coasted the game.
In my lifetime, there were several memorable moments when I found myself looking for work: First was when I just finished my university studies and was out hunting for my first real job. Second time was when I left the Philippines and was applying for any job in the snobbish financial community of Wall Street in New York. Third time was when I landed in Toronto at a time when an economic slump was taking place in Canada.
There were two instances in my life when I worked for a not-for-profit. One was in a semi-government research think tank in Manila. The other was in a community-based agency which helped new immigrants to Canada.
I also worked for private corporations. One, in an advertising and PR firm with some international clientele. At another, a magazine with international roots. And at a third, in a prestigious law firm with a Manhattan address.
Now, back to the batter's box. Sometimes it gets lonely. Sometimes, it gets exciting. Sometimes, it gets challenging. A lot of times, it gets insecured.
A lot of employment counsellors tell job searchers that in a person's lifetime, one will have to switch careers at least five times. In my case, I switched careers four times. Each time I switched, I found it was a rewarding strategy. Because with each new job came a new learning experience which no university degree can give you.
Now back to the batter's box. The crowd is starting to cheer/jeer. The coach within me is telling me a game play. I can see the bases are still empty.
But I have a firm grasp of the bat, and a clear view of the ball.
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