Friday, November 21, 2008

First Snow

This morning when the garage door rose and opened up and I started to drive out, the snow-capped branches of the trees at the edge of the ravine greeted my sight. Oh, and what wonder it was!

It was a winter wonderland postcard scenery! The people walking at the side of the street and those waiting at the bus shelter, were wearing warm jackets and a smile on their face.

Each year when the first snow falls and as it covers the streets , the branches of the trees, the roofs of the cars, and the lines of the poles, I never fail to marvel at its beauty and the serenity it brings.

It's like the first time you fall in love. It never fails to bring you surprises each day. And for so many folks, even after so many years, the feeling stays and lingers.

In some parts of the world, there are only two seasons, dry and wet. This includes Asian countries such as the Philippines, Vietnam, India, Sri Lanka, and of course the African continent.
So here, it never snows. And so here, people would love to see snow.

In some areas where it never snows, there are business enterprises that create structures to mimic snowy, wintery conditions. In Dubai, there's a humongous, interior space which was transformed into a huge mountain-like ski resort, of course, replete with snow.

In Manila, too, there is a new place, where people can have a taste of winter amid a 30- degree celsius weather. So folks can see and feel snow, and have their pictures taken in the pretend-winter wonderland scenario.

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