Monday, January 25, 2010

Point of View. Life is a Miracle.

"Just a few days earlier Republican Scott Brown won the reliably Democratic Senate seat in the special election in Massachusetts, a stunning rejection of the legacy of pro-choice nemesis Ted Kennedy and an apparent stake in the heart of health care reform, Obama's chief domestic priority." From Politics Daily by columnist David Gibson.

While I'm happy that a pro-lifer won in the Massachusetts's election, I am saddened by the fact that the fight of the Americans to have a more universal health care could be jeopardized with the loss of a Democrat.

I personally believe that a health care similar to the Canadian health care system would be good to our North American neighbour. Certain people very close to me do not think so.

As a Canadian, I am quite happy with the our health care system which pays for almost every medical intervention. Some Fil-Am relatives dwell on and attack issues like "long waiting time to see specialists, or to have chemotherapy."  But based on my personal experience and from friends' experiences, we never encountered such problems. 

True, we pay an annual premium unlike in the past, but overall the Canadian (Ontario) health care system is still one of the best and most compassionate in the world.

Back to the pro life vs. pro choice issue south of the border. 

"The huge crowd of abortion opponents that gathered on the Mall in Washington on Friday for the annual March for Life had good reason to be celebrating on the 37th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion. 

Recent polls have shown broad 
declines in public support for abortion, to the point that the country is almost evenly divided between supporters of abortion rights (47 percent) and opponents (44 percent). Moreover, the election of a pro-choice president after two terms of George W. Bush has galvanized rather than discouraged the pro-life movement, to the point that abortion rights groups are facing more challenges than they ever expected."  From Politics Daily by columnist David Gibson, 01/24/10.

As I write this post, three women (nieces) in our extended family are having babies. To me, a baby born into the world is proof positive that miracles do happen! 

In the olden days, when a woman fails to conceive after many attempts, she and husband would offer gifts and dance at the Shrine of Santa Clara.  Nowadays, they'd pay a fertility clinic to have an invitro-baby. 

Which ever way it is , it's still a miracle in my book. 

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