Before you turn into the corner of nowhere
Just glance back
- into the recesses you'd leave
Linger a moment your eyes
- into the paper haven't yet read
Touch the tip of the the unforseen photograph
- lying at the edge of your mind
Hold your breath at the murmur
of love I whispered before.
It's easy for you to go
So easy to scratch the stains left on the book
For never was the thought so deep
as I gave
It's easy to wipe clean the mess on the glass door
For you never saw the shadow when it was there.
I took a long look at the hills we should have climbed
Breathed the sea breeze we both could have drank
Lolled at the open space we could have walked together
Touched the grass that could have dirtied your bare foot.
And now as before
My heart bleeds
Everything was but an imagining
At the far end of the sand dunes
Cruel to the eyes.
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