Friday, September 11, 2009


When we went to Spain last year, our group didn't get the chance to see any bullfights. Instead, we went to the Shrine of St. Therese in Avila, and to Toledo, Santiago de Compostela, Salamanca, Zaragoza and Madrid.

But you don't have to watch a bullfight in Espana to be in a mood to shout Ole'. The shout can come out from the throat when you are spontaneously enthralled, extraordinarily excited, or if you are acting out to increase the bravado and drown out the tension.

I call this an ole' moment - for males it is that split second wherein you are ultimately happy - because you have performed well in a task, discovered something great or beautiful, the girlfriend said yes to your proposal, or when you've finally found a way to reach your destination.

The matador - that gallant, impeccably dressed, classically brave torero heaves and puffs his chest at every victory and shouts OLE'.

Ole' is an old world's expression of approval and excitement! It's been heard in bullfights and in movies about bullfighting.

About movies. The Demons of St. Petersburg is showing on Sept. 12th, Saturday, at the Shangri La, at 4:30 pm. Gotta see this one.

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