Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Of serpents thy lie.

 By Gener.

Of serpents and scorpions lay
Thy soul thee trade for fear,
In his carnal the belly bloomed
The sweat could rise and fall.

In time thy face shall fail the test
Of grace and youth and fun,
And in thy lone and self abide
A yen for a forgot'en will arrive.

Thou child,  a wife, a devil's snare
Shall look thyself in eye,
And what thee see could crush thy smile
For nowhere thou now belong.

In death thou never will be mourned
In life thou been forgotten all,
In birth thou had been blessed by God
Yet thou slapped the hands that cared.

The full force of life beckons thy kind
There'd be ups and downs to sail,
The wind can wipe thy ilk and tribe
The sun can sear thy ugly throat.

Beware the wrath of yin and yang
The tide of near and far,
The fire will gulp thy pride and sloth
And leave thy ashes as thou been found.

1 comment:

Mar said...

Beautiful and grotesque.