Tuesday, April 2, 2013


The other day I stumbled upon the website of the old office I used to work for and found the same old programs I helped design and delivered and managed myself. 

Canada has been accepting newcomers to its doors like no other country in the world. Filipinos, people from India, from mainland China, Eastern Europe and African nations continue to flock to Ontario and its other provinces.

But are they getting employed? Easily or do they still face barriers like the ones which were encountered by newcomers some twenty or fifteen years ago?

When I looked at the interventions being offered at Skills for Change, I began to realize that the old  barriers could still be there. For if not, why are the same programs and services of twenty years ago still being offered today.

Or do service providers lack vision, creativity and problem solving skills to come up with new, and "bulls-eye" employment and integration schemes and programs?

I remember students and clients complaining then that the job search programs that were offered were like degree courses in resume making, job interview skills and researching companies which could have been compressed into shorter courses, and focused more on hard skills or technical courses.

And suddenly I remember reading a few weeks ago how first world economies of today would lag behind countries like Nigeria, Vietnam, India, Brazil, the Philippines and other such emerging economies. And a vision came into mind.

Thirty years or so from this date, Canadians, British, Americans, Italians, and French may be migrating into Asia, Africa and Latin America for employment and better lives.

Would they integrate easily into the new culture and new language?  Would there be the same biases, and barriers?

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