Tuesday, June 16, 2009

GPS and Maps

The GPS, global positioning system is a boon for land travellers. And since summer officially starts this Sunday, June 21st (Father's Day) here in Canada, the GPS will be more used than during the rest of the year.

My GPS is a simple Tom Tom, which had been purchased from the S(c)hopping Channel. It'd been very handy during long trips, and also when locating local, never-been-there-streets.

But when I go for long driving, I just don't rely on the GPS. I still bring my Atlas Map and other smaller maps with me; I feel safer. Plus, I print out a Mapquest directional. Talk about being paranoid.

I've set my Tom Tom to speak in a man's voice; I've minimized listening to a female commando.

The fun thing with a GPS is that when you're driving alone, it seems like you have a driving companion or co-navigator. The only thing missing would be someone to hand you pieces of peanuts, potato chips and your soda.

Happy driving to all. Have a safe one to you, wherever you are now.

1 comment:

lyssie said...

Like going through life, we need a "GPS" to lead us somehow....with someone handing over the peanuts, potato chips, and your favorite can of soda! Maybe a spouse, a sibling, a best friend! ....."you'll never walk alone"....