Tuesday, July 13, 2010

New Adoptee.

The neighbour's dog gave birth to several puppies and the owner needed homes for the new babies. So, she gave us one and we accepted it - but she's a sorry sight to see. I think she's the "ugly, unwanted one."

Her right eye is somewhat skewed; "pisak," in local parlance.  Today, we're still not perfectly sure if she's blind on the right.

She was bony.  For a two-month old pup, she was weightless.

I assigned her first to the second bathroom.  Surprisingly, or because she was too weak, she behaved the first night.  Then the following day, I gave her a good scrub.

After that refreshing bath, the "bony one" perked up and ran all over the kitchen and dining area.

I gave her bread and water, and gradually fed her house food.  But into her first week, I noticed that her digestive system has not been working well; after each meal, she would "poo." Even with dog food, she still excretes few hours after eating. 

So, I moved her into the "under construction" outside washroom.  It has roof and walls already, so she's safe and warm there.

This is her second week with us.  From a bony weakling, she has transformed into a perky, pesky little thing.  We call her either "Whitey, or Tisay."

Welcome to your new home, Tisay!

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