Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Oy Soy.

I have constant craving for "taho." While in Baguio last week, at the Grotto, I simply had to taste that "taho," from the street vendor. He was selling strawberry-flavoured "taho," but I opted for the regular one. Why should I ruin the taste of "taho?" If I wanted strawberry, I would eat it sans soy.

In Canada, I whet my appetite for "
taho," by going to big Chinese groceries. They sell "taho" as dessert, in plastic containers, but without the sugary syrup. So at home, I would heat maple syrup and pour it over my "taho." Of course, this Toronto version of "taho," is no match to the Manila "taho."

My eldest sister is just like me. Whenever in Manila, she'd drop her umbrella or bag if she saw a "taho" vendor on the street.

After mass on Fridays at the
Quiapo Church, I would buy "taho" before making the rounds of Villalobos and Echague streets to purchase fresh vegetables and fruits.

Why don't I have any qualms buying "
taho" from street vendors? Because what my aunt told me years ago stuck in my mind. She said that soy would not gel or harden up if it were dirty. I don't know if what she said had any scientific basis, but eating "taho" from street vendors over the ye
ars had not given me any stomach problems.

The lowly "
taho" has now become franchise food at leading malls in Manila. At Megamall, you can see a cart of "Taho Boy." A regular cup sells for twenty pesos; the street-type "taho" sells for ten pesos.

While I was growing up, "
taho" was part of my day. Those days, if you'd like "taho," you'd have to bring your own mug or cup, and "sago" or those tapioca beads were not part of the usual fare.

What I'd want to have is "
taho" without the regular sugar; I wish they'd make syrup out of Splenda, or sugar substitute. I don't know if it would alter the taste, but as a person with high blood sugar, I'm willing to compromise.

This is true when I eat pancakes in the U.S. or Canada; I have the option of sugar-free syrup. Pancake House in Manila does not serve sugar-free syrup, yet.

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