Thursday, April 21, 2011




I don't understand why our lawmakers and the sitting President are so bent on passing and enacting the RH Bill. Their main reason for wanting it: to control population explosion in the Philippines.

As of July 2010, the Philippine population stood at 99,900, 177. It is the 12th most populated nation in the world.

Top 15 Most Populated Countries in the World according to the CIA World Fact Book:

As of 2010, the Philippines was the 12th most populous country in the world, among nations such as:

  1. China: 1,330,044,605
  2. India: 1,147,995,898
  3. United States: 303,824,646
  4. Indonesia: 237,512,355
  5. Brazil: 191,908,598
  6. Pakistan: 167,762,040
  7. Bangladesh: 153,546,901
  8. Russia: 140,702,094
  9. Nigeria: 138,283,240
  10. Japan: 127,288,419
  11. Mexico: 109,955,400
  12. Philippines: 92,681,453
  13. Vietnam: 86,116,559
  14. Germany: 82,369,548
  15. Egypt: 81,713,517
Yesterday, we attended a half-day Lenten Retreat and one of the priest- speakers talked about the RH Bill and the Catholic Church's stand against it.

Three months ago, we attended the turn over of a Health Centre which had been donated by my sister and brother in law to a local barangay in Nueva Ecija. On that occasion, my bro in law spoke of his stand against the RH Bill, and being a long time OB-GYN practitioner in the U.S., he related the information on how contraceptives gave people false security, and how these products failed, and caused unwanted pregnancies (leading to more abortions) and sexually transmitted diseases.

I heard this same information yesterday. Plus all the other ugly aspects of the RH Bill.

Of course, the priest was given to exaggerated delivery. But he was right on in enumerating the ugly and evil features of this Bill.

Yes, I've seen impoverished people who have six or eight kids; I've also seen couples without any kids who wanted to have some but could not, because for so long, they had used contraceptives (and had resorted to abortion a number of times), and now that they badly want to have children, they could not get pregnant because the women's reproductive system had already been damaged.

With the passage of the RH Bill, everyone becomes a "coddler" of teen sex, because sex education (how to use a condom, when to have sex and not get pregnant, etc) will be taught starting at Grade V to 12 year- olds, at all public and private schools, and money spent here will come out from the taxpayers pockets.

- In Canada and in the U.S., where sex permissiveness rules and where sex education is taught from kindergarten, teen pregnancies are still a "growing" problem, especially among the poor black Americans. Unwanted pregnancies equal ABORTION.

With the passage of the RH Bill, most everyone becomes a complicit "health care" giver because every employer will be mandated to support employees for their after-abortion bills.

With the passage of the RH Bill, most Filipinos will be contributing cash to buy condoms, IUDs, pamphlets, and other contraceptives for distribution to the so-called "poor" but in reality to everyone, because public agencies (health centres, public schools, barangay halls, etc) will hand these out, and you know very well how during election times, "freebies" get handed down to as many people as possible.

Even if it's against your moral values to have anything to do with artificial birth control, you cannot do anything but give to these programs VIA YOUR TAXES.

RH Bill wants to help the poor control their babies' count; that's what the supporters say, because having to many kids is the the root cause of their poverty. But who are actually the "poor" they talk about?

The illegal settlers or squatters, whom the local politicians coddle and refer to as the poor?

These groups are not poor. They are tricycle and jeepney drivers, they are laundrywomen and iron pressers, they are newspaper boys, and warehouse help, they work at construction sites and piers, they are nannies and maids. In short, they are wage earners.

But they choose to live illegally because they could get away with it. And they always get support from local politicians and some cause-oriented groups. They choose to buy things - owning color TV sets and texting at cell phones - instead of food.

If you give these folks free condoms and IUDs and the men get drunk at night - they'd completely forget about the nurse's instructions, and simply go about satisfying sex in their drunken stupor.

Who else should be given contraceptives or told of safe sex? Poor and rich kids. Then, the high school-er would simply ditch the rubber because it's not as much fun as wearing none.

What about spending the condom- money for better education? Free high school, free college tuition, free textbooks, meal allowance to poor deserving Pinoys. Or subsidized college loans? Good education could really bring people out of poverty.

What about sound economic, political and judicial reforms? Jailing the corrupt should be the number one priority of the PNoy administration. Ipakita namang may
balls kayo diyan.

In Canada and the U.S., there's no bill as near as the RH Bill. Over there, you decide on whether to buy or not a condom or an IUD with your own money. It's your conscience, it's your life. And abortion clinics get bombed by fanatics.

Of the 15 most populous countries in the world, five are Muslim nations, namely Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria and Egypt. Three, namely, Brazil, Philippines and Mexico, are predominantly Catholic, and two, U.S and Germany are predominantly Christian, while India is partly Hindu and Muslim, and China and Vietnam, both communist countries, do not encourage any organized religion. Japan is Shinto-ist and Russia is still torn between atheism and orthodoxy.

Why am I citing religious backgrounds here? I theorize that Muslim countries, which allow more than one wife for a man, would over run the Christian nations in terms of population growth.

The first world countries, for one, have already zero population growth rate. Most of Europe - Italy, the UK and the Scandinavian countries, Canada, New Zealand and Australia are relying more and more on immigrants to power their labour force and human body counts as consumers of products and services to maintain their survival as economic nations.

The U.S. does not have this problem yet. As of 2006, it has a hefty population close to 300 million, according to the

According to the U.S.Census Bureau
, "Based on the middle-series projections, the Nation's population is projected to increase to 392 million by 2050 -- more than a 50 percent increase from the 1990 population size."

Another part of the report says that "
almost one-third of the current population growth is caused by net immigration. By 2000, the Nation's population is projected to be 8 million larger than it would have been if there were no net immigration after July 1, 1992. By 2050, this difference would increase to 82 million. In fact, about 86 percent of the population growth during the year 2050 may be due to the effects of post-1992 net immigration. "

If what Fr. Mario said about a 1975 study that the U.S. wants 13 countries, including the Philippines to curb its human growth, is true, and I believe it so, I also presume that the U.S., because it cannot curtail the growth of the Muslim world, is now exerting more pressure on its allies that could easily be dictated upon, to STOP new births, because the American people would have COMPETITION for the world's number one and dwindling resource: OIL.

If Vietnam, the Philippines, and other growing countries continue growing, there'd be greater demand for petroleum. These small fries can be twitted, influenced and peddled with aid with strings attached, such as a population control program.

But those populous Muslim nations and other Middle Eastern countries, the U.S. cannot touch. Even their own government cannot dictate upon their Muslim brethren to curb their family growth; an extended family is part of their belief.

With the passage of the RH Bill, politicians who are supposed to strategize and come up with socio-economic and political programs, will be off the hook. They will say they have got the solution for the country's number one ill (poverty) - don't curb your enthusiasm, including theirs. FREE CONDOMS TO GIVE.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with your point and the Church's position.

Let us not be cowed into submission.

May the Lord enlighten those who are proposing the passage of this Bill.

CORRUPTION is the problem not the growth in population.