Friday, July 31, 2009

Beer and Gloria

Funny how it looked.

I was watching CNN American Morning just now and the anchor, Canadian John and correspondent Cristy Crawley were talking about the "beer diplomacy" wherein Obama met, over bottles of beer, with the Harvard Prof Gates who got arrested in his own house by a Massachusetts Sergeant.

Then CNN flashed on screen the smiling Gloria Arroyo who's visiting the White House, with the caption "Beer Diplomacy." Ha ha ha. (note: the 8:30 news showed Beer caption).

Later, in the 9 am edition, the photos above were flashed, still a mix up. The photo shows Phil. Pres. Arroyo at a meeting with Pres. Obama and caption says:
"What Brings us Together is Strong - Pres. Obama on meeting Prof and Sgt."

I thought Philippine President Arroyo brought President Obama bottles of San Miguel Beer or Obama served Gloria San Mig. Remember the White House has a Filipina chef.

Too bad, Gloria Arroyo's White House trip was drowned out by too much beer.

I'd drink to that. Anyways, I'm wondering which place in Manila serves the best beer and the best coffee, or where the best place to meet friends.

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