Friday, July 31, 2009

Designs of Life.

Some people have very colorful lives; others' are dull. Still others have rainbows for life, multi-colored one minute, bland next time.

But who chooses the colors of our lives? When we were born, our skin color was either pink, pale brown, or brownish black. Then as we learned to talk and walk, we started to color our surroundings. "That man with black mustache is my father; that woman who wears brown house dress is my mother. That little orange furry thing they say is a cat; that white plastic bottle is my milk. "

As we started to go to school, we began to prefer certain shades. "Mama, I want that blue lunch bag with Kermit the frog design; or Dad, I like the silver bicycle. "

Studies have shown that girls recognize colors more than the boys. That's probably why later in life, the wives would decide on what color of shirt or tie the husband should wear.

From our knowledge of colors, we learn designs. "I like that red and blue stripes or that yellow and brown wavy patterns. I will buy a red jacket with square accents and a black tiger striped t- shirt."

Designs of life. You start to think about it/them when you finish high school and about to enter college or university. What do I want to be? A doctor, lawyer, teacher, nurse, priest, nun, scientist, writer?

In one's life, there could be various designs. A design which was started sometimes do not get to be finished. Or a finished design gets destroyed later in life. But for many, the chosen design has worked well and looked perfect through the years.

If we assume that all of us can make a design of/for our life, then we are all artists. And even those without means to finish or follow through with their designs, they're still still artists; artists dream.

Some individuals change their life designs in their middle ages. That's why there's the phenom known as mid-life crisis. Or in certain cases, due to unforeseen reasons such as death, divorce, separation or other reasons, people are forced to change patterns and colors of their lives.

I wanted some new design and exploration in my life so I thought about getting a tattoo.

As I was on my way to the tattoo shop this afternoon, I thought about what design I should ask the tattoo man.
It was my first time to get a tattoo, but I've thought about it for a long while. So I did my research.

The tattoo shop I chose is called Lucky 13, and is located in the Annex area in Bloor West, alongside a favorite Japanese sushi restaurant. The Annex is a favorite watering hole of U of T students.

There are open bars and cafes, Thai and Japanese restaurants, Honest Ed’s, the old Bloor cinema and bookstores, health shops, other ethnic restaurants, bake shops and clothing stores in the area.

I chose Lucky 13 because its website boasts of adhering to strict Toronto City health regulations and a new needle per customer. The application I filled out asked about any health issues such as any infection, allergies or heart condition.

I was quite apprehensive when I entered the shop. The tattoo artist on duty showed me the designs posted on the walls. And when he asked which design I wanted, I blurted out , “fish.” I chose the fish because I was born under the zodiac sign Pisces.
So, I waited around ten minutes for the equipment to be readied. I told Leo, the artist, it was my first time and he said, no need to worry.

He shaved part of my lower left arm and pasted the design, leaving an outline on the skin. Leo, then asked, "are you ready?" Then, I felt the first sting.

I’m so used to needles when I get the blood works to monitor my blood sugar and cholesterol levels, but all the time Leo was giving me the tattoo, my head was turned the other way. I would only look at my arm when Leo stopped to wipe it.

I guess the lower arm, just below the mid, has soft tissue, because I could feel the boring of the needles. There were areas, which required deeper piercing.

It was over in thirty minutes. The artist taped over the tattoo and told me to remove the bandage in six hours and wash it with soap and water.

My tattoo is a Pisces sign, colored green. It could be a start of more permanent designs in life - more tattoos, more bravado, etc.

If nothing seems to be happening in life and we don't know what's going on - we must and shall make things happen.

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