Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Everybody Loves Debra

In one episode of "Everybody Loves Raymond," Raymond wanted to go golfing with brother Robert and his friends over the weekend after Christmas. So he gave Debra a gift of Crock Pot, thinking that Deb would give him a tie as Christmas present. The crock pot would be a bigger gift than a tie, and so he thought that Deb would feel guilty and allow him to go golfing.

Wrong. Debra gifted him with a DVD, and gave him hot cocoa with marshmallows and was extra nice doing all the Christmas cooking.

Dad Frank said Debra was being extra nice because she wanted something: the grocery bagger named Larry. Or she wanted something else.

In the end, Raymond had to clean up and take care of the kids while Deb took a nap, and Marie ended up preparing Christmas dinner, and Ray could not go golfing with his buddies.

Why? Because Raymond was a jerk.

In almost every episode of "Everybody Loves Raymond," Ray is the whiny, little boy who wants Mommy to cook his dinner and his wife to do everything in the house. And he watches football and wants sex. That's why Deb gets to call him "stupid."

But Ray always makes a comeback. But then, Deb never kicks him out of the house.

If Debra threw Ray out of the house, I think she would make it clear the following day and knows where to fetch Ray - from mother Marie's house across their house.

Ray loves Debra and she knows it.

In the above episode, Frank gave Marie a ring, but he told her to keep it from the boys.

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