Friday, July 17, 2009

Random Star

I am reading Stephen Hawkings "A Brief History of Time," and so I was inspired to write about the Universe.

by Gener Pagkanlungan

I soar above to find my star
And I was late because the Gods took them out
Of circulation,
And I cried
What injustice,
Yet the Gods have spoken even before
I was born.

I look upward now in the evenings of my life
And there they are once more, the stars numerous,
Glittering amidst the Orion and the Procyon
Tempting the young to dream and imaginings

Unbeknownst before, the star I envied from afar
As luminous, as vibrant as the Mother Moon in the late month,
Star of the Universe
Has traveled as fast as the Light
And became only familiar with the life of the other Gods.

Random star
Mesmerize me now,
Linger there in the darkness of the sky
Light up the unknown with your wonder and awe,
As I submit to your radiant spectacle
Before you leave or stay.

1 comment:

Lyssie said...

When your heart is in your request is too extreme...when you wish upon a star..