Sunday, July 5, 2009

YES! To Reading.

I took to reading a few months back in order to enrich my vocabulary and my life. I am trying to read novels which are both contemporary and classic so that I maybe able to discover the thought processes of different men and women of different times and cultures, and how they express these through plots and themes and words.

I want novels or short stories which are easy to read and enjoyable. In my brief reading experience, I've enjoyed the most "The Catcher in the Rye and The Great Gatsby."

These two novels, I'd say, are as applicable to one's life today as at the time they were written.

As of now I am reading a non-fiction called "The Drunkard's Walk, How Randomness Rules Our Lives." Midway through it.

I also bought the classic "Tess of the D'Urbervilles" by Thomas Hardy (haven't opened it yet), and a collection of stories titled "The Secrets of a Fire King," by Kim Edwards. I must buy her other book called "The Memory Keeper's Daughter" which was #1 New York Bestseller.

I cannot say I am an avid reader. It really depends on the kind of book I am reading. I finished Catcher in the Rye in two days because it was too good, and The Gatsby in three days because I was doing other stuff, too.

I want to reach a point when I can truly say I am reading this book and I am really enjoying myself.

I must also get this book called Dune. Heard from a prolific writer it's a must reading. I believe her.

1 comment:

Lyssie said...

And when you really want to just relax and find peace, just read the Greatest Book of all! Happy reading!