Monday, August 24, 2009

Clear as Mud.

It's not just annoying but maddening to be in a situation where you don't know what's going on. When you don't have control and everything depends on outside factors.

Look at how we've become slaves to the weather report. We sit by the television or read the daily report to check on the future weather. We prepare a light jacket, then next morning, it rains. Yes, there's always a probability of rain - no matter how sunny it looks.

I hate it. Another time, you prepare for a 25 degree summer day, a beautiful picnic, or a day at the carnival and kaboom... the wind blows in the wrong direction. Your anticipated trip to the park turns into an indoor couch potato-eing.

How about if you prepared for a dinner and about to go , then your host cancels the last minute?
Or the hostess sends an invitation, you RSVP, then she ignores you at the supermarket the day before the party?

I'm sure like me, you'd feel like a kite suddenly losing altitude and plunging way, way out in the mud.

Wipe your face, loser. Yes, you cannot smack the face of the weather forecaster. Yes, you cannot sue your neighbour for cancelling the party. Yes, it's all right to feel awful and angry.

You can always switch channel and check out the other weather reporter. Or stay friends with the neighbour but don't give him/her a Christmas card. Or just call or email and find out what's going on. Hey, what's the real score?

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