Friday, August 7, 2009

A New Horizon.

Filipinos have been so saddened by the death of their former president, Cory Aquino, that they started to dream (again) of things that might have been if their leaders followed through on the promises of the original and first EDSA Revolution.

EDSA I catapulted Cory Aquino to power and it signaled the world that the tiny Asian Republic was once more attuned to the tempo of modern day democracy. But after three more presidents following Aquino, the Philippines is still a nation in tatters; yes, it has modern edifices such as new flyovers, new condominium developments, new huge malls, but alas, no needed sustenance for the majority of its people, like affordable education, health care, housing, and enough jobs.

It's like back to pre-EDSA I all over. Politics is as dirty as before and politicians as wily and vacuous to people's aspirations and needs as before. Look, a Catholic priest wants to run as President in the next election - a sign that times are so desperate that people are only wishing for miracles to save them from man's ugly creations.

We Filipinos who live outside the country, are wishing that apart from miracles, real change could happen in the Philippines. Of course there's the 2010 national elections to pin one's hope in, and the renewed fervour for universal goals such as "equality, magnanimity, government for the people," by the populace.

I wish the citizenry would reexamine the way they view their leaders and see that the politicos are servants of the people. If this would be the mindset, then people would demand and not beg their leaders to come up with plausible economic, social and financial solutions to the ills of the country. And to choose the servants, the people should select based on the skill set of each candidate.

Hope there is. It is like in building personal and business relationships, you choose carefully the partners and people with whom you would create a lasting bond; you start with a clean slate, you nurture each other, you hope and work together to achieve the goals you set for your union.

A new horizon looms. It is looking clearer and rosier. It is an amazing image.

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