Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Our Matriarch.

La Madre.

My mother's 91st birthday is coming up in a few months, and we her children, and our families are all very excited and thankful for having her all our lives.

She's still as lovely and grand as when she was younger and taking care of us.

Gloria Torres Fajardo. That's my mother. She comes from families from Manila and Iloilo.

I remember at my graduation in elementary that she was wearing this light pink mini skirt and blouse - two piece suit - when she went up the stage to pin my medal of honour. My mom was an original fashionista, even then.

My father's and her closet were competing with clothing selections. My sisters would laugh at this memory, for sure. She wanted to have a new dress for every fiesta she went to. We love her very much.

To you Nanay. We love you very dearly and forever.....

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