Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Movie Teasers Of Life.

Romance at its best. Wacky. Spellbinding. Spies at their spiciest form. Perfect music!

If you're a regular movie goer, you'd guess right that these are movie teasers used by producers and cinemas to lure the public into seeing their films.

But we, the public, are also always being asked to make up teasers for our lives.

In a lot of situations, we are summoned to describe ourselves or to give a brief run down of our experiences and lives. In social situations such as parties, or in business meetings, people are always asked where they work, what school they go/went to, status in life, etc.

And then in most intimate gatherings such as religious revivals or testimonials, people are asked to disclose of their lives or "share."

In the most social of all settings, the networking sites and personal blogs, people post their personals and stories. But even though "socializers" and bloggers talk about their jobs, hobbies, childhood, personal relationships, political and religious views, and the mundane and the important, not everyone discloses fully. Not everyone goes full public.

Shadow? A regular guy. With irregular edges.

LEFT - Shadow does a full Monty. Bad dog.

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