Thursday, August 13, 2009

J is for Just You.

Shadow Fajardo, the house Mini Pinscher, is presently vacationing in Ohio, with his Aunt Aliw and Uncle Carl.

He's let loose in the backyard during the day and sleeps inside the house, either in his padded cushion bed or at the foot of the bed of his former amo.

Now, that Shadow is away for awhile, the two house budgies, Tommy Boy and Ugly Betty have taken my full attention back.

It's not that I neglected Tommy and Ugly Bets. It's just whenever I was playing with Tommy, Shadow was barking his lungs out to get my undivided attention.

Now, Tommy is happy again. And Ugly Betty, too.
Ugly Bets has gotten all her hair and feathers back and as lovely as before, I am calling her J-Lo once more.
Tommy says, " Just You." And I say, "forever."

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