Monday, August 17, 2009

Lutong Makaroon.

I remember one time getting a not so pleasant reaction from something I wrote eons ago, from my Boss. She hated it and told me to get lost.

Working in a creative department meant having to translate market research data into attention-getting print, radio and television ads. It meant 15 seconds, tops 2 minutes, of a consumer's time. Not too much time to make pa-cutsey ads and maybe too much for a very hard sell.

A lot of times, clever copies are not easily understood or do they get registered in the minds in 15 seconds. So much so if one's mind is awashed in pain killers.

Lately, even my dinner(s) have not sunk into my stomach either. Either too much flavouring, colours, dollar signs, or maybe it was not meant to be served to me.

How to go about serving great dinner? Prepare carefully. And as the female character of Mike Myers would say in a Saturday Night Live sketch (SNL) ... discuss.

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