Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Ma, I'm flying!

Here I am suddenly awakened from a half asleep half awake nap and I was dreaming. Must be the pain killer I took.

The dream was that I was flying somewhere East and my parachute was a giant coffee mug and I was propped by its ear.

Torture. I know I've used some air miles, but to be flying home 19,000 miles just propped by a giant coffee mug.

And then it was hugely funny. Who would believe it anyway if I told my tale. Huh?

Mercy. As Roy Orbison sings in Pretty Woman.

I still see Julia Roberts' character singing with the Walkman on her ears while at the bath tub and Richard Gere's character looking at her with amusement.

She scored at the end though, after a harrowing, humiliating experience.

As for Richard Gere, he thought he lost her forever until the hotel clerk told him where she lived. He finally overcame his fear of heights just to be with his woman. At least the fire escape/wall was not locked so he was able to climb up and enter.

If Pretty Woman happened today, Gere's character would've probably entered first a contest like Bachelorette to win her woman back. That is, if his entry gets to be accepted at all; might be firewalled or even junked these days.

But you'd have to allow the bachelor to keep his pride intact, you know. Merci.

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