Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Grace.

I'm one who's slow to feel the sting of a rebuke, or of a disappointing end-result. It takes a while for me to digest, ingest, inhale, hear, see and realize the impact.

Because a lot of times the hideous are couched in sweet sounding jokes and the promised sales pitch coated in syrup.

Happened again this time. The sales pitch failed to deliver on its promise. And I am left scarred...literally, physically.

But thank God, the power of Grace has saved me from falling into the pit of sadness. The feeling will fluctuate for several weeks, up and down, like the stocks. But again, it will take its course and stabilize.

My faith is my saviour. I was flipping channels and stopped at the 700 Club to which I sometimes contribute, and heard portions of Gordon Robertson's reaction to an email - that Our God is like our earth fathers who want us to keep on asking and that He will give and answer what we asked for.

It was very timely because at that very moment I was looking at my scar.

From this point on, I vow to appreciate the dents, the scars, the moles, the jagged edges, all those ugly parts of my being together with the beautiful. And hope that others could love both the regulars and the irregularities of me.

If I were an advertising slogan, it would be Pepsi's
1969-1973 "You've Got A Lot To Live, Pepsi's Got A Lot To Give"

and 1984's " Are you ready to take the challenge? "

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