Friday, August 21, 2009

So, whad'ya want?

Every time I see the yearly back-to-school TV commercial where a family is shopping for school supplies and Dad is ecstatically pushing the cart, while his two kids drag their feet behind him, I can't help but laugh. No fail. Ha ha ha.

Apparently, this classic commercial which first aired 15 years ago was created at McCann Erickson Worldwide advertising agency.

"The Most Wonderful Time of the Year is a light-hearted take on back-to-school shopping that depicts an elated father bounding through a Staples store accompanied and contrasted by his two children, whose expressions are notably grim. The spot airs to the tune of the Andy William`s holiday-themed song of the same name. The contrasting perspective of parents and children returning to school is humorous and conveys an ubiquitous and fundamental truth about back-to-school shopping." To view the commercial, go

This commercial started to air again in the U.S. last July and in Canada, last Aug. 4th.

Poor kids. Schools are opening after the Labour Day weekend, on Sept. 8th.

So, while not having any school-aged children, I am left to salivate over school items on sale, such as staples, pens and pencils, computers, notebooks and laptops, even the clothing at Gap and Old Navy's.

But I got ahead, and bought my own back-to-school item a couple of weeks ago, a Blu Ray High Def player.

Maybe now is also a good time to take advantage of the back-to-school sales for the forthcoming Holiday gift-giving. Christmas is just four months' away. Before we know it, Christmas carols would be floating in the air. And before that there's Halloween, and the Canadian and U.S. Thanksgiving.

So, what present do you want?

Go eavesdrop and find out subtly what your spouse, kids and loved ones would want for the most memorable time of the year. The back-to-school special sales going on could save you the trouble later on.

1 comment:

Lyssie said...

Our competition!!!! But yeah, this is funny! Back to school is always fun for shoppers (students) and nightmare for retail workers !!!! Best time to shop? After all the frenzy - CLEARANCE!!!! :)