Wednesday, October 14, 2009

So 50's.

M. Roxas is 52 and Noynoy is 51.  Both are bachelors.

K. Sanchez is 45.  Roxas and Sanchez will be wedded, soon.

I guess today's people are getting married later in life.  In TO, I have several friends in their forties and fifties who are not married yet, or are divorced.

Today's fifties are yesterday's thirties in terms of the marrying age.

Why are people getting married later today?  Is it the economy?  The availability of more single people to choose the partner from?  Or are people just playing the field much longer?  Or is there a non-availability of partners to choose from?

Outside the Philippines, the circumstances are different because there is divorce.  So people get
married early or late, get divorced, marry again.  In the in-between period, the divorced person is again considered single.

Or people just settle for the live-in relationship, fall out of love, then look for love again.

The phrase "you're too old for me," just doesn't hold water anymore; fifties is the most interesting phase in a man's life; one has the experience of "life," so to speak.

In yesterday's  times, a woman past forty and still single was considered "old maiden;"  not anymore.

Today, a woman in her forties is in the prime of her life, especially for career women who'd postponed getting married due to demands of their job/s.

A woman in her mid-forties who's not gotten married yet, I suppose, has decided to wait until 
someone would really commit, or probably she's gotten tired and simply coasting along.

Men who waited to get married late in life, I suppose, have gotten tired playing the field.  The prospect of getting hitched to an ideal woman becomes crystal clear.

1 comment:

Lyssie said...

Remember the song: "play the field, have a lot of fun, it's easy when you play it cool...."